评论: 自称农民工的他,翻译了海德格尔

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irvinelee 发表评论于 2024-09-23 09:21:46

supernova13 发表评论于 2024-09-23 09:02:00
翻译这行业的90%要失业了,肯定比不过ChatGPT的,速度更无法相比,只需要10%人留下,检查人工智能的翻译是否完美,如果有些许瑕疵,让人工智能稍作修改. 以下是ChatGPT对我的留言的翻译:90% of the jobs in the field of translation will be lost, as there’s no way they can compete with ChatGPT. The efficiency is also unmatched. Only 10% of the people will be needed to stay on and check if the AI’s translations are flawless. If there are any minor flaws, those remaining can instruct the AI to make slight adjustments.
文事有武备 发表评论于 2024-09-23 07:37:04
至少比民科强, 知道理工科的事农民工玩不了
0101011 发表评论于 2024-09-22 23:46:00
希望比chatgpt 翻译的好
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