真是服了你了,果然是 只要 go full MAGA, 就没character, 是非不分,胡搅蛮缠,也学到了川教鹦鹉学舌般辩论技巧。人家说川是threat of democracy,川就说人家是threat of democracy。这不,人家说你 lost moral compass,你就说人家没有moral compass。真是如 toddler一般可爱。
1. 川普性侵 !=克林顿cheating
2. 川普骗行(trump university, beautiful wall/ACA replacement in two weeks, Covid will be over in couple of month,...) != 哈哈4年之间energy/immigration policy立场变化
3. 川普民主程序的破坏 (Jan 6, election lie) !=哈哈's replacement of Biden
那么好了,可以理解阁下做full maga,仁义礼智信都可以不要了。还有,本人从来就不是驴党,本人还有一点moral compass, follow my north star, for anyone but Trump.
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2024-10-07 22:06:31