有马斯克这种助选是美国民主政治的悲哀。Super PAC(独立政治行动委员会,Super Political Action Committee)起源于2010年美国最高法院的**“公民联合会诉联邦选举委员会”(Citizens United v. FEC)**一案。法院裁定,政府不能限制企业、工会和其他组织为支持或反对政治候选人而花费的资金,因为这违反了言论自由权。这一裁决开创了允许无限政治支出的先例,从而催生了Super PAC。同年,美国联邦上诉法院在**“SpeechNow.org诉联邦选举委员会”**一案中进一步裁定,独立团体可以接受无限金额的捐款,只要这些资金不直接与候选人的竞选活动协调。Super PAC的诞生正是基于这两个关键的法院判决。因此,Super PAC开始于**2010年**,并迅速成为美国政治选举中的重要力量,能够筹集和花费无限金额的资金来影响选举结果。
爬山看秋叶 发表评论于 2024-10-12 19:04:19When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his subsidized projects, whether it's electric cars that don't drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he'd be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and a Republican, I could have said, "drop to your knees and beg," and he would have done it......
旁观者XWY 发表评论于 2024-10-12 19:09:00
爬山看秋叶 发表评论于 2024-10-12 19:04:19
When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his subsidized projects, whether it's electric cars that don't drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he'd be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and a Republican, I could have said, "drop to your knees and beg," and he would have done it......