这个视频可不是贺锦丽篡改后发出来。这个视频各大媒体都有。贺锦丽团队只是引用。事实是:当第二个人晕倒已经解决后,川普说, "Let’s not do more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Who hell wants to hear questions?” “我们别再提问了。我们只听音乐吧。谁想听问题呢?”
“President Trump has more energy and more stamina than anyone in politics, and is the smartest leader this country has ever seen,” the statement read. “He does multiple public events every single day and the public can see he is sharper and more focused than ever before because the future of America is at stake.”
“He made the decision to entertain the crowd with music and everyone loved it,” Cheung said.
1. 这个市民大会 (Town Hall meeting), 可能因为市内温度高,有2个人晕倒。川普对晕倒的人没有丝毫关心同情,反而开玩笑。第一个人晕倒后,他开玩笑,这样可以减肥,减4到5磅。 “Personally, I enjoy this. We lose weight, you know,” Trump joked. “No, you lose weight. We could do this ― lose 4 or 5 pounds.” 第二个人晕倒后,他说谁还再想晕倒,请举手。
2. 之后就不再接受观众提问。而是僵硬地站在那里让不断放音乐,放了40多分钟 (另有人说是57分钟)。偶尔尬舞。放的音乐包括 Time to Say Goodbye
3. 站在他旁边,来帮他助选的南达科达州的女周长,Noem 一脸尴尬。
硅谷工匠 发表评论于 2024-10-15 13:25:34
She is so stupid and sharp tongued! no empathy! just a stupid dumb candidate. No one knows how she is "selected".
川普的竞选团队,都没有否认这个视频,也没有指责贺锦丽“篡改”视频。只是说: 这显示了川普有更多的能量,并说是为了娱乐观众。
“President Trump has more energy and more stamina than anyone in politics, and is the smartest leader this country has ever seen,” the statement read. “He does multiple public events every single day and the public can see he is sharper and more focused than ever before because the future of America is at stake.”
“He made the decision to entertain the crowd with music and everyone loved it,” Cheung said.