宾州的early voting 有些特殊,叫in-person mail ballot voting。 事先请求选票,但不是通过邮局寄,而是亲自到选举办公室drop 票。
Pennsylvania allows any voter to request a ballot by mail. You can also vote in person on Election Day. Pennsylvania offers early voting.
Can I vote early?
Yes, Pennsylvania does offer early voting, which in Pennsylvania is called in-person mail ballot voting.
You can choose whether to vote on Election Day or during the in-person mail ballot voting period, whichever is easier for you. This can be especially helpful if it would be difficult or not possible for you to vote on Election Day. Voting early at your local election office or other designated location may be less crowded, as well.
When can I vote early?
In Pennsylvania, dates and times vary by where you live. Find when to vote.
Where can I vote early?
Early voting is available at your local election office or other designated locations. Check Pennsylvania's site or contact your local election office to find where to cast your in-person mail ballot.