对了,被陪审团定罪的联邦重罪犯川普对川粉们表达一个罪犯对其支持者最真心的爱心。一帮川粉们就流泪跟着喊,我们最爱罪犯,我们要选一个美国历史上从未出现过的罪犯做总统。这使我想起一个段子:“Why didn't the framers of the Constitution make provisions to prevent a criminal from being elected as president? Because they didn't think the voters would be that stupid."
Trump’s numbers:
Jobs: down 2,720,000
Unemployment rate: up 6.4%
Economic growth rate: down 2.2%
Consumer Price Index: up 7.8%
Coal mining jobs: down 12,700
Manufacturing jobs: down 178,000