"骂人不好", I am not sure what gets into your mind. 在你的眼里,什么都是“仇恨”。有点好笑。very childish. 我只是就事论事,follow 华人的仁义礼智信, follow 很多年前我的pledge, as Trump-ism is a domestic threat to our constitution and a threat to the rule of law.
"I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of
America against all enemies, foreign and domestic"
"Backed by rally-goers chanting "Lock her up," President Donald Trump tried to have his 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, investigated by a special counsel. But he was never able to make it happen.
In 2017, Trump sought to have his then-Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, "un-recuse" himself from the Justice Department's investigation into whether foreign election interference benefited Trump. According to the special counsel investigation headed by Robert Mueller, Trump wanted Sessions to do this to help in prosecuting Clinton for her use of a private email server while secretary of state, even though the Justice Department had closed its case on that matter in 2016."