I voted for him yesterday! I don't think he's Hitler, either. Just an authentic man. An authentic sample of the male human species. There ain't nothing wrong with him.
觉得民主党才是希特勒:不顾绝大多数美国人的意愿和利益,坚持敞开国门放进1千5百万非法移民,未成年变性不需父母同意,坚持让认为自己是女人的男人进女厕,加入女子比赛,不让言论自由只能拥护民主党,否则给你贴标签,摇摆州午夜灌票,坚持用法律打击政治对手!坚持不要Law and Order!用实际行动证明无法无天!
leii 发表评论于 2024-10-29 10:30:41
What about Xi? Do you dare to say this in China?
Of course, why not?