树没皮怎办 发表评论于 2024-10-29 08:43:28
楼下的网友真是陷入阴谋论不能自拔了。现实和幻觉分不清。 让人笑掉大牙。纽约的3个陪审员被“白帽子”逮捕了? 关在关塔那摩湾监狱? 纽约检察厅的Susan Hoffinger正在Gitmo交代? 有这样的新闻,还有人证物证?那可是惊天新闻,为啥福克斯电台不报道?川普的竞选班子,川普本人也不提? 什么样的人才会相信这样的阴谋论? 楼下引用的新闻来源, realrawnews. com 是一个专门制作假新闻的网站,动辄散布某某公众人物被逮捕了,被处决了。 过去它散布的被逮捕的公众人物有: Deborah Birx, Nancy Pelosi and Janet Yellen, 被“处决”的人物有:Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Tom Hanks. The website has also promoted the deep state conspiracy theory.[
Real Raw News is an American fake news website created in April 2020.[1] Many of its published stories include misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines,[2][3][4] fictional arrests[5][6][3] and supposed executions of public figures.[1][3]