评论: 保守派旗舰报刊:下任总统将继承一个卓越的经济

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星尘行者 发表评论于 2024-11-05 08:32:25
从来都是,民主党搞经济更好,造就更多的富人。这些人一旦有钱,就希望减税。当然另一个说不出口的希望可以占更多的便宜,而不要被人骂。所以共和党就会上台。共和党上台,一方面打着减税的旗号,一方面利用人类,特别是富人虚伪的一面,搞什么富人有钱了,就会搞投资,自然就会给WORKING CLASS 工作。实际情况是他们会造就一大批穷人。所以民主党就会上台。如此循环往复。不过现在资讯发达,这个富人想再ZB,难度越来越大。看看川普和马斯克就知道。他们的理想是越来越富,而不是关心什么WORKING CLASS. 马斯克被中共利用完了,早晚会现行。川普打印一个MAGA BIBLE,都要到中国去打印,三美元,要卖九十几美元。他在美国打印,也就二三十块钱,不过少赚一点而已,哪里就不赚钱了。就是不知道那些买了这个MAGA BIBLE的人,会不会在上面看到美国WORKING CLASS的血啊!
玻璃坊 发表评论于 2024-11-04 23:10:52
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2024-11-04 19:14:38
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 18:36:32
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 18:36:32

蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2024-11-04 18:14:30

Latency. Genius.
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2024-11-04 18:14:30
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:43:33
thinredline 发表评论于 2024-11-04 18:03:28
chinusa 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:54:00
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:43:33
SP500@2021 has nothing to do with Trump. It is the direct consequence of massive EQ by FED (directed by Powell) during COVID to pump up/save the market.

Massive EQ led to injection of massive liquidity to the economy, planting the seeds of inflation that Trumpers blamed current administration for. However, an informed view would recognize that Trump shares at least equal responsibility for the inflation alongside Biden.

In contrast, recent stock market gains under Biden have occurred with high interest rates and without additional Fed stimulus. This growth highlights the underlying strength of the U.S. economy and reflects the success of Biden’s policies.
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:20:50
I am not surprised that China Trumpers failed to distinguish between Wapo and WSJ.

ahhhh: 发表评论于 2024-11-04 16:16:46
Wapo 怎么会是保守派? 就因为没有公开背书哈里斯就有这么多麻烦。
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:18:37
川普:2016 1/20, SP500: 1859.33; 2021 1/20 3851.85, 增长107%
拜登:将近 50%,

经济好不好,是不是把经济利好传导给普罗大众,应该侦测的是Russel 2000 (小企业)
川普:1000->2100 100%+
拜登:2100->2200 5%

而甜筒爷爷时期通胀涨了将近20%, 这是为什么选民至少在经济上感觉不到拜登的红利。
无名2024 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:18:13
ahhhh: 发表评论于 2024-11-04 16:16:46
Wapo 怎么会是保守派? 就因为没有公开背书哈里斯就有这么多麻烦。

这是Wall Street Journal, 非Wapo。


The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is generally considered to have a conservative editorial stance, particularly in its opinion pieces and editorial board. It tends to support free-market policies, limited government intervention in the economy, and traditional conservative values.

However, the newspaper also has a reputation for robust reporting and in-depth analysis across various topics, including business, finance, and economics, which can sometimes align with more centrist or liberal perspectives in its news coverage.

Overall, while its editorial content is typically conservative, its news reporting aims to be objective and factual. This dual approach can sometimes lead to different perceptions of its overall political alignment among readers.
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:11:33
The current economy is indeed good/robust, looking at GDP, salary growth, stock market, ...

Anyone says otherwise must live in a parallel universe or intentionally distort fact.
远方的湖 发表评论于 2024-11-04 16:46:36
风森读书声 发表评论于 2024-11-04 16:41:11
Run4rest 发表评论于 2024-11-04 16:36:00
ahhhh 发表评论于 2024-11-04 16:16:46
Wapo 怎么会是保守派? 就因为没有公开背书哈里斯就有这么多麻烦。
gccard 发表评论于 2024-11-04 16:11:20
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