SP500@2021 has nothing to do with Trump. It is the direct consequence of massive EQ by FED (directed by Powell) during COVID to pump up/save the market.
Massive EQ led to injection of massive liquidity to the economy, planting the seeds of inflation that Trumpers blamed current administration for. However, an informed view would recognize that Trump shares at least equal responsibility for the inflation alongside Biden.
In contrast, recent stock market gains under Biden have occurred with high interest rates and without additional Fed stimulus. This growth highlights the underlying strength of the U.S. economy and reflects the success of Biden’s policies.
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:20:50
I am not surprised that China Trumpers failed to distinguish between Wapo and WSJ.
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is generally considered to have a conservative editorial stance, particularly in its opinion pieces and editorial board. It tends to support free-market policies, limited government intervention in the economy, and traditional conservative values.
However, the newspaper also has a reputation for robust reporting and in-depth analysis across various topics, including business, finance, and economics, which can sometimes align with more centrist or liberal perspectives in its news coverage.
Overall, while its editorial content is typically conservative, its news reporting aims to be objective and factual. This dual approach can sometimes lead to different perceptions of its overall political alignment among readers.
Horologiarius 发表评论于 2024-11-04 17:11:33
The current economy is indeed good/robust, looking at GDP, salary growth, stock market, ...
Anyone says otherwise must live in a parallel universe or intentionally distort fact.