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luting 发表评论于 2024-11-12 14:09:15
一个反环保人士被任命环保署长?!! 建议上任第一天解散环保署。
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-11-12 13:02:56

They will fail at what they’re attempting to accomplish says the Lord.

Mitch McConnell…I am talking to you. I have warned you and you have not listened. What you are attempting to do against MY nation and against My David will fail and you will fall along with your plan. You thought you could pull this off to undermine Pres Trump and the citizens of this nation. You have your plans to resist him and to resist his efforts to dismantle the Establishment but it will not work. And you will pay a high price for this and the world will know that judgment has hit you and justice will be served says the Lord of Hosts.

My children pray down all the plots and the sabotage against Pres Trump and this nation and his administration. Call down the attacks against this nation for justice and judgment will hit Washington in unprecedented levels never seen before.

A tsunami wave of truth is coming that will destroy your enemy’s plans against you. Keep warring for this nation and the nations around the world. Keep using My Name and My Authority and watch the giants fall before your very eyes says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-11-12 13:02:42

Your enemies will try to attack when people have their guards down and are least expecting it. When you see them to try to stop Pres Trump and this nation from moving forward and using foreign nations to do this, just remember they will fail. Their plans will collapse and they will come to nothing.

I’ve told you they would try viruses and they have but none of them struck the world and took it down as they so desired. Fear did not paralyze the world as it did before. They have used foreign militia in your nation and that is about to be activated. But again it will FAIL. The elections FAILED. They tried to indict him – FAILED. They tried to kill him – FAILED. Your enemies have a history of FAILURE and it will not stop now, no matter what they do and who they use to do it. Do not fear and do not be afraid and do not get into fear because I am here says the Lord.

Many things will take place that are unorthodox and unethical from the side of the Left and the Washington Establishment. They will do something unconventional against this nation, so CALL IT DOWN. No matter the weapon, the disinformation, the propaganda they use, CALL IT DOWN. And demand it to come to nothing because they are nothing says the Lord of Hosts.

Atlantis…this name and location will be in your news for a significant reason.

Barbados will be in your news for a surprising reason.

Something is about to hit Iran. I have warned them and still they have attacked My Israel. They have attacked My United States. They went after My David. Biblical events will take place there that will get the world’s attention.

A Cargo ship will be in your news and it will run aground. It will seem like nothing at first but watch. There is more to the story that will be told no matter how hard they try to hide it.

Black Swan events are about to take place in this nation. Remember what I have told you. They are doing this to try to deceive, to distract and to destroy you. So do not fall for it.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-11-12 13:01:56
[Word heard – November 10, 2024]

For I the Lord this day am telling My children the Establishment is about to get caught red handed with a murder-for-hire plot against My David. I’ve told you repeatedly your enemies are not going down without a fight. They couldn’t convince the public to hate him and to not vote for him. They couldn’t stop him with the ridiculous indictments. Then the only other choice they have is to have someone get rid of him. The plot with Iran being stopped with their plans to kill Pres Trump is more than what it appears like. They weren’t doing this alone. They were here on this soil and in this nation because your govt paid them and allowed them to come here for just that. I told you your enemies were turning on each other since they have tried with people here and their assassination attempts failed, the Establishment wanted someone else to do their dirty work and fall for them if the plan didn’t work. They have people in places to fall in order for them to protect themselves. Yes this plot was stopped to make the DOJ and the White House look good along with the Intelligence community - to appear as if they were doing their jobs when in fact it was just the opposite.

My children, whistle-blowers are coming to prove just that. Your enemies don’t want peace. They don’t want a smooth transition and they are not good at losing. So don’t let these optics fool you. They are plotting and planning behind closed doors of all their options to stay in power. Let me remind you that they still have spies collecting data from Pres Trump to sabotage him in every way moving forward.

There’s still a war going on for this nation but your enemies are on the losing end. Unprecedented events will continue because you are living in unprecedented times. There will not denying that I am the Protector and Deliverer of this nation.
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