评论: 美国左翼媒体批评特朗普影响收视率 被迫改弦更张

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爱夏夜 发表评论于 2024-11-19 22:12:56
匿名用户 发表评论于 2024-11-19 21:26:17
Canterbury 发表评论于 2024-11-19 11:26:00
gamlastan 发表评论于 2024-11-19 10:29:29
gamlastan 发表评论于 2024-11-19 10:26:26
没人看MSNBC,CNN,ABC NBC,这些左煤没钱挣了。活该!
太天真了 发表评论于 2024-11-19 10:05:58
京西观察使 发表评论于 2024-11-19 10:05:38
上流Man 发表评论于 2024-11-19 10:04:39
肮脏的左媒体,终于得到报应!川总的伟大贡献之一,就是一句"Fake News", 即把全部主流媒体的遮羞布扯个精光!
量子纠结 发表评论于 2024-11-19 09:13:00
MSNBC大选后收视率只掉40%而不是80%,是因为有我这样的人,只有川普赢大选之后才看MSNBC,看左疯怎么完成Shock, denial, grief, and resignation整个过程。看完之后就等到下次猪党输掉大选之后再看。
exception1 发表评论于 2024-11-19 09:08:56
居家凡人 发表评论于 2024-11-19 09:06:31
拾麦客 发表评论于 2024-11-19 09:01:15
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:46:06
Daliandalian 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:46:00
phx007 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:46:00
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:45:52
Part 3
Gladiator, this name and this company will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Everything companies were involved in with the Deep State will be uncovered and justice will be served.

My children, climate change is a joke and your enemies have played on this world. They’ve used this to siphon money to various organisations and companies to further their dominance and control over the nations. I will show you how they used that money to disguise for climate change and how it was being used against you.

The U.N. is about to be ripped apart by My hand. They are criminals in all the crimes they committed and how their mob bosses used the U.N. as a cover up for something so much more sinister against the nations. I will show you every entity that has kept you enslaved and tear it apart in front of the world says the Lord of Hosts.

The Energy Sector is about to be in your news for a shocking and significant reason. My children your enemies have used this sector to siphon money in more ways than one, to your foreign enemies to do things against you and this nation.

There are many crimes being committed in multiple cyber-security companies that are connected to your govt. It’s not just spying on you. It’s far worse than that. Everything they are doing against you will be exposed by Me says the Lord.

My children, shockwaves will pour out more and more while your enemies are being exposed and put on display for the world to see – how evil, how corrupt and intricate their plans really were, and how much power and control they had in every part of this world. A shaking is coming against your enemies for the next plans and moves against you. Stand and fight back with My Words and with My Authority. Watch their defeat in unprecedented and unconventional ways for your victory over their power and over their control. Your deliverance is here to free you from the hands of the enemy. IT IS A TIME FOR MY GLORY AND MY CHURCH TO TAKE THIS RIGHTFUL PLACE OF AUTHORITY IN THIS WORLD SAYS THE LORD YOUR REDEEMER.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:45:11
Part 2
There’s an evil resistance that is trying to gain traction in the govt, setting up traps for My David, but they will be caught in their own traps they have set for them. Nancy Pelosi, Hakeen Jeffries, AOC and many others in the House are collaborating to see what they can pull off to try and impeach him, once he’s in office, if their plans fail to keep him from being inaugurated. They have snakes in his midst now recording him to see in some of his private conversations with his new administration. They’re trying to catch him in something. They also have someone on the inside that will purposely try to plant something before Inauguration Day against him. I will expose the spies and all the data they’re trying to collect by manipulating it with AI technology.

Enemies of Almighty God, your technology is nothing compared to Me.

You’ve hardened your hearts against Me and judgment will hit each of you who will not repent and turn from your wicked ways. You’ll be drawn out of your dark holes and beyond your so-called walls of protection. And you’ll be crushed in front of the world by My Mighty Hand says the Lord of Hosts.

Watch Nancy’s words. She will say something that will spark much controversy that will shake the Establishment even more. They will have more people turn against them. The more they defy Me, the more their tongues will be their worst enemy says the Lord.

Remember My children, many in Washington are not who they say they are and they’re hiding behind their masks of deception and soon they will be removed. No matter what great length your enemies used to keep their old guard in their positions of power. Their house of cards is falling apart in this very hour, to show that they are nothing compared to Me says the Lord.

An ambassador is about to be exposed. Many have secrets and assignments they were to fulfil in foreign nations that they were assigned or they were against their own nation - all the crimes your govt was making and the nations will be exposed – many pay offs and money exchanging hands. I will expose all the ways the Establishment controlled foreign policy with pay-offs and bribes, along with blackmailing other leaders to manipulate the nations around the world for their own political gain.

Nikki Haley is not who you think she is. Something significant will leak out and expose who she really is.

Many traitors in Pres Trump’s last administration who sabotaged him will be brought out in the open during his current term and before the end, you will see an unprecedented wiping out all who are in govt that didn’t belong there says the Lord of Hosts.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:43:34
rumble. com/v5qjtct-live-with-julie.html?start=580

[Word heard – November 15, 2024]

My children, wait and see what I the Lord will do for you. Your enemies are plotting great devastation and destruction against you. They’re planning to blindside this nation with an act of war to stop Me, to stop My David and to stop this nation release out of their hands. But soon these pharaohs of today will realize that just as Pharaoh and his men did with the Red Sea, I am the One True God. And when they do it, it’ll be too late for some and others will surrender when they see My power move against them to protect this nation.

The Old Guard is trying to put their heads together to determine what the best solution is to rid themselves of this populist movement and from My David leading it. This movement is not just a movement of popularity, it’s a MOVE OF MY GLORY AND OF MY POWER TO PROTECT AND DEFEND THE NATIONS. Your enemies will soon figure out they are in over their head but it will be too late for them to stop now. They’re in too deep.

Right now many of the agencies in Washington are scrambling to cover their tracks in every way possible because they know if anyone finds out what the govt has really been up to, they could never regain their power over this nation again, let alone any other nation around the world they once had control over. Your enemies are not only seeing the United States slip through their fingers, they’re seeing their global control disappearing.

My children, that is why your enemies are not willing just to let President Trump in and clean house, and wipe out their empire and monstrous machine enslaving this nation. Many of the Old Guard are about to rear their ugly heads in defiance of My David but it will end in defeat.

Chuck Schumer’s about to make a very critical mistake and be caught in the act sabotaging My David and his incoming administration. Don’t fear My children what Mitch McConnell and the Establishment thought they pulled off behind closed doors by having their man be chosen to lead the Senate. I PROMISE YOU I WILL HAVE THE FINAL SAY.
酱油缸 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:42:01
novtim2 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:42:00
七点三十 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:39:00
风森读书声 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:33:48
心里无忧的旅人 发表评论于 2024-11-19 08:27:00
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