然而今天撒旦要制造一个机器管辖的世界,人类成为撒旦机器齿轮管制下的奴隶,技术愈高,人类愈惨,目标就是NWO,世界统一政府,用电子货币,植入式ID芯片,婴儿出生后在医院接受该ID植入,一个完全被撒旦通过NWO精英掌控的地球监狱。人的消费,饮食,情感,娱乐,死亡全部可以AI监控和控制,不符合系统要求或太反抗,很简单就安乐死了。地球是一个国家,total control, no escape
"...Great exposures are about to break regarding Bill Gates, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, and all those who, like Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, have tried everything they could to control this world. They are about to be hit in a way they never thought possible. A laptop with emails, videos, and phone conversations is coming to prove their plans against My Nations, the United States and Israel, and My body. I told you shock and awe are coming and in a very big way. ..."