评论: 成员神秘死亡,这个家族还能发动"货币战争"吗?

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旁观者XWY 发表评论于 2024-12-17 15:59:00
中国人喜欢阴谋论,货币战争那本书作者在国外拿个硕士就回中国造谣惑众,不堪阅读。有同学微信推荐有关X X会的文章,立马拉黑。
湾区范儿 发表评论于 2024-12-17 11:18:22
joetheplumber 发表评论于 2024-12-17 10:08:00
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-12-17 08:49:04

x. com/Jasonbourn41517/status/1814142395895652430
注意看南极Rothschild岛附近几个岛的名字,Coronation Island,Delta Island,Omicron Island, 是不是很熟悉?新冠疫情中全世界都听过亿万遍?

恰好,Rothschild家2015年申请了新冠检测专利: (注意,2015 !!!!)
patents. google. com/patent/US20200279585A1/en


骷髅会的John Kerry, 东正教的头(宗主教,牧首)
x. com/NickHintonn/status/1160824644573814784
世界经济论坛施瓦布,欧洲央行主席,二人12月同时去南极开会?important meeting?
x. com/yoyonofukuoka/status/1675620630564323329


他们有财富,地位高于国家领导,Rothschild家的英格兰银行不是在伦敦金融城the square mile么?这是国中国,不受英国主权管辖,英国警察无权入内执法

这些幕后实际情况,是给Elites了解的,你我普通民众,是不应该了解的,只应该相信主流媒体上那些Virtual reality
弯刀月 发表评论于 2024-12-17 07:24:00
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-12-17 06:55:31
注意Realrawnews上12月1日就说了William Rothschild被在家处决
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-12-17 06:52:42
William Rothschild被处决:

realrawnews. com/2024/12/red-hats-slay-william-rothschild/
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-12-17 06:31:48

I the Lord will show you that you have no power and you are nothing. I will remove you from where you are. All the crimes you’ve taken part of, I’ll expose everyone even though you will say you are retiring, to stop truth from exploding, exposing all of you. I will show the world the real truth. Not only will you be removed, but everyone of you who controlled this entity will be too. The FEDERAL RESERVE is an abomination and will come crashing down before this nation. I am setting My nation free from you once and for all says the Lord of Hosts.

Someone from the Pentagon are coming out to expose their spending and their private books and prove who are all the crooks.

My children get ready for an explosion after explosion. I am ready to remove your enemies and everything with them. The Giants are falling says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-12-17 06:30:26

This is for your freedoms whether you understand it right away or not. You will see China shake. You will see Iran shake. You will see Iraq shake. You will see Canada shake. You will see the United States shake. You will see Mexico shake. The nations are shaking and it will rid you from the ones that tried to devour you. You will see the economy shake. You will see the churches against Me shake. You will see corporations and businesses shake. You will see the Entertainment Industry shake. The News Industry shake. You will see DC shake loose of the Old Guard and the bureaucrats who tried to destroy your nation. Bombshell reports are coming that will devastate the enemies against My nation says the Lord.

My children don’t you see how the world has shifted and changed how they see My David. Haven’t you seen people removed? People fall? Have you not seen govts crumble? Have you not seen a shift politically. You’ve been waiting for all these things that are changing in the right direction, but your enemies next move will try to rock you and shake you from Me. But heed My warning and MY Words that I AM the Almighty God and there is no one like Me and you will see a great victory says the Lord.

Brazil will be in your news for a unprecedented reason.

My children the weather will change drastically in a way that is not normal. As I told you things are changing in unprecedented ways to shake and wake the people up so they’re not taken by surprise. So stand as I heal your land says the Lord of Hosts.

You will see an uptick of earthquake swarms. Watch for this. I told you the shaking will be physically, spiritually and politically. Things are about to intensify to a degree no one sees coming. So stand against your enemies and watch. They will be annihilated by Me says the Lord.

Havana will be in your news for a shocking reason.

Jerome Powell…you think you can resist. You think you can stay where you are.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-12-17 06:24:46
rumble. com/v6058he-live-with-julie.html?start=580

[Word heard – Dec 14, 2024]

O United States do not fear what your enemies are trying to do in the skies above you. I will annihilate their plan and you would soon hear of what they were attempting to do to you. Their technology is nothing compared to Me and not only do I protect this land, I also protect the skies above it. My Army is moving in on your enemies and you will see their great defeat. There are drones they’ve put in your skies but I’ve infiltrated the infiltrators and soon you will know without a doubt it was the Establishment and their foreign army trying to stop this nation from moving forward without them.

I will show you what they were doing to the atmosphere above you and what intel they were trying to collect at the same time. I will show you when, who and where the money was exchanged for such a plan. I have warned you your enemies are not going down without a fight but this fight they’ve already lost. They just don’t know it yet. I will also expose the Chinese spy balloons and how this is all connected and who paid for all of this to take place.

O My United States you’ve been under constant attacks from the ones in DC. But those days are about over when you see what judgment really looks like. Children of Almighty God this is My nation and soon there will be no doubt about that says the Lord.

Justin Trudeau…put down those weapons against My nation. You have been warned. You are trying everything to stop Pres Trump from destroying you and your empire in Canada. But you will not keep your power and your puppetmasters cannot save you from Me. You’re about to see that’s an absolute fact. You will be ripped from power in this hour of change says the Lord of Hosts.

My children things are about to shift drastically and your normal will be shaken.
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