"Well what I would do, is I would, we would, we have tremendous military capability and what we can do without planes, to be honest with you, without 44-year old jets, what we can do it enormous, and we should be doing it and we should be helping them to survive and they're doing an amazing job" - Donald J. Trump
it's quite mind blowing that such a great amount of normal people admire government leader's domineering behaviors or narcissistic grandiosity rather than care about the democracy which give them the real freedom of living in western world.
Their frustration on their lives has blurred their vision.
It's out of question Trump's reign will bring down US inevitably before the US arises up again. The U.S. is great is because of how it is originally designed as opposed to any person no matter how grandeur he or she looks or sounds or pretends to be.
Joe Biden is a good president because instead of pursuing personal glories, he just tried his best to maintain the system that had worked all the time. His fault is that his being old in mind and lame in progressing policies to mitigate the societal impact caused by fast pacing technology evolution.