比尔可以把与 Ann Winblad 每年一个周末的约会改到每月一次,或每周一次!他已经不再受约束了。
时代杂志: In Search of the Real Bill Gates ***time.xxx/archive/6596654/in-search-of-the-real-bill-gates/
Even now, Gates has an arrangement with his wife that he and Winblad can keep one vacation tradition alive. Every spring, as they have for more than a decade, Gates spends a long weekend with Winblad at her beach cottage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where they ride dune buggies, hang-glide and walk on the beach. “We can play putt-putt while discussing biotechnology,” Gates says. Winblad puts it more grandly. “We share our thoughts about the world and ourselves,” she says. “And we marvel about how, as two young overachievers, we began a great adventure on the fringes of a little-known industry and it landed us at the center of an amazing universe.”