评论: 全美怒火延烧!抗议川普极右政策、马斯克干政

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GenSecDiao 发表评论于 2025-02-06 14:34:08
"全美“是多少人? 抗议者有多少人数?说说啊
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:49:50
真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:07:04
facidisot 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:41:26
东西风 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:18:44在阿拉巴马州(Alabama),数百人聚集抗议针对LGBTQ+族群的歧视性政策。他们是否能先去抗议美国篮球协会(NBA) “歧视”LGBTQ+ ?

你还别说,NBA 确实有歧视亚洲人的倾向,特别是 Jeremy Lin 一例。不过,Jeremy Lin这厮还是没多大脑子,堂堂哈佛经济学本科,居然弄得到处给人买来买去,干下等苦力活。他要是有点脑子,应该走助理教练,主教练的路,而不是一味出苦力。
facidisot 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:33:09
这 自由时报 是美国左派的大外宣?
东西风 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:18:44
在阿拉巴马州(Alabama),数百人聚集抗议针对LGBTQ+族群的歧视性政策。他们是否能先去抗议美国篮球协会(NBA) “歧视”LGBTQ+ ?
真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:09:02
Cage-Free Large White Fresh Grade A Eggs (CA SEFS Compliant) - 36oz/18ct - Good & Gather (Packaging May Vary)

Great Value Large White Eggs, 36 Count, Size: 72 oz


真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:07:04
因为禽流感鸡蛋缺货,但是价格没有涨,Safeway和whole food还是原价,只有大华把鸡蛋提价到10+

大华不认识。Store Brand Cage Free Brown Eggs Grade A Extra Large - 12 CT - 24.0 oz
$9.39这个你认识吗? 禽流感闹了一阵了,可是某人以上价就更soaring 了。他有多闹腾有目共睹,绝对有理由怀疑传粉的来路。
orchid 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:06:45
orchid 发表评论于 2025-02-06 13:04:53
Liantao 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:55:06
“数百人” 这数字有点忒丢人

smallCrab 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:53:08
Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:47:24
x. com/MartinEye1359/status/1886858711118835943
canadafreepress. com/article/ngos-emerge-as-shadow-government-with-55000-organizations


Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:30:48
Part 3/3
Mayhem in the swamp. The DC Swamp rats are about to be driven out of their crevices thinking they can save themselves when in fact it will be their end. Yes it’s all coming to an end, the rule of the globalists in this nation says the Lord.

Pentagon secrets will be exposed. I told you before they cooked their books and those will surface and many will lose their medals and their freedoms. The corruption that controlled this nation is being annihilated as I speak these words.

The Federal Reserve is about to have an audit they didn’t count on…an audit that will be unprecedented in nature. Their planned collapse and control over this nation will abruptly end. The Federal Reserve and the reason it was designed by the Establishment and the global elites was to bury and control this nation financially, but instead it will cause your enemy’s ultimate collapse.

Unconstitutional…the word will be in your news repeatedly. You will found out all the unconstitutional things many rogue govts have committed against this nation, including your own. They allowed these things to take place to collapse the Republic and every freedom your nation once had. Your enemies have always hated this nation and what it stood for because it stood in the way of their global plans.

My children REJOICE. These are the days of unprecedented revealing and explosive exposure of your enemies. I am your VICTORY and your AVENGER. These are the days of My vengeance and justice to be served in unprecedented ways. So rejoice, your enemies are all coming down says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:30:22
Part 2/3
Ransacked…this word will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies are having the tables turned on them. Every weapon they authorize against Pres Trump and many innocent victims, will now be turned on the ones who demanded these attacks on the innocent. The days of Haman in unprecedented ways are here.

The FBI raids will also be in your news. These raids will happen to govt officials that have committed treason against this country.

A significant breakthrough is coming for you O United States. Your captors who stole your nation from you with stolen elections, manipulation and deceit will be revealed. There is a laptop that’s about to surface that will prove the Biden was 100% illegitimate. Your enemy’s walls are caving in. There are weaknesses they didn’t see that will bring out the big lie of 2020. The Establishment is being torn apart right before your very eyes.

There’s another Biden secret that will be revealed – who was behind the mask? Yes, all will be revealed no matter how hard they try to hide the Biden and who he really is.

A great dismantling of the 2020 lie and all the swamp secrets are coming in unconventional ways. The war to enslave this nation and hold it captive and destroy it from global control has been broken. My hand is moving to bring justice to this nation.

Assassination…this word will continue to be in your news. The hit job against previous Presidents and Pres Trump will all come out in the open.

Every secret that kept the Establishment alive will be exposed. A list is coming out…a list of every governmental official guilty of crimes, along with all proof needed to arrest and remove them. This will cause a political tsunami wave to hit your capital that will cause historical events to take place in your nation. O United States, your political enemies are being judged by Me says the Lord of Hosts.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:29:28
rumble. com/v6hlby7-live-with-julie.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

[Word heard – January 29, 2025]

For I the Lord this day am telling you My children your enemies are in a state of disarray. Panic is looming every day, not knowing when everything they have been setting their sites on and is now being torn apart and they are petrified of losing it all. They are trying every backdoor to get around Pres Trump to stop him. They know they’re being hunted and they don’t know where the traps are being set for them to avoid. The hunters have become the hunted on an unprecedented scale. A quick turn of events your enemies were truly not prepared, for the more they persist and resist the more they will collapse.

There is a dark war going on inside your Capital to try and take back power in every way possible. There is still a plot to take out the President.

There are still traitors in your Secret Service that will be exposed, allowing weaknesses in the security of Pres Trump. Every rat will be drawn out and exposed. No one who is fighting against this country, or My David will win or be successful in their plans, but instead they will lose everything they are fighting for. Catastrophic failure will continue to hit your enemies and everything they have designed says the Lord.

Air raid…this will be in your news for an unprecedented reason.
泥川 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:25:24
落基山石头 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:22:26
湾区范儿 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:20:24
ninja123 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:20:00
abcdaren 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:12:14
什么‘全美’? 还不如吹的更大些:大到‘全人类共同体’、全体猪党精英、全球左派、全体觉醒主义、全体变性人类、全体非法移民。。。。。
abcdaren 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:05:27
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2025-02-06 12:04:21

真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:52:12
因为禽流感鸡蛋缺货,但是价格没有涨,Safeway和whole food还是原价,只有大华把鸡蛋提价到10+
best-gg 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:59:27
真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:52:12
一条小路 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:43:41
novtim2 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:38:38
马斯克在帮助美国人民,我们也要帮助马斯克;让他后顾无忧,如果你要买新车或者二手车,首先考虑马斯克;如果你是生意人,做广告,优先在X平台; 我们要帮助马斯克,因为他一个人以一己之力很难完成和DS腐败政府的斗争;我们在许多事情上无法帮助他,但是我们要在能力范围之内帮助这个有良心的美国公民。
要不是马斯克,这种贪腐将继续下去,每年债务增加4万亿, 加上政府收入5万亿,总共9万亿不翼而飞,而美国公民拿这帮贪污分子毫无办法,这种情况不能持续
worley 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:35:59

真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:30:36
传粉搜搜protest to trump 看谁睁眼瞎。因为懂王的台,很多组织都相当克制了,知道他小人,生怕中了套,赦了J6,严惩他的反对者。
novtim2 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:27:31
chinesegod3 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:27:01
GoldenEar 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:16:43中国应该抓住百年未有的巨大机会,趁美国自乱阵脚的时候抓紧全产业链的尽快形成!可以说,近几十年来,中国的国运昌盛!美国经历几次大的动荡终于把美国拖得筋疲力尽!
novtim2 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:26:04
GoldenEar 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:14:50干净政府确实是大快人心,至少对普通老百姓是好的!但省下来的钱也不会用到老百姓身上,还是到那些大财阀身上,也可能用于马斯克的星际探索了!
ajaychen_2024 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:23:44
lasso 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:20:47
害虫加菲 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:20:05
Fake news
不能再沉默 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:18:59
无争 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:18:06
GoldenEar 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:16:43
Parkbrooke 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:16:00
GoldenEar 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:14:50
BigP 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:10:57

true? 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:09:17
Sandcity2000 发表评论于 2025-02-06 09:57:59 每个地方区区几百人叫全美?阿根廷改革时比这闹得大多了,自由时报这个土共的外宣真是没见过世面
相信事实 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:08:22

德州呆子 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:04:44
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:04:31

真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 10:58:41
蓝靛厂 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:03:54
gladys 发表评论于 2025-02-06 10:44:57
cfol2012 发表评论于 2025-02-06 11:02:00
觉得xAI挺不错的.不差于chatGpt, 也好过DS, 大概现在DS用的人多后台机器不够.
真环 发表评论于 2025-02-06 10:58:41
苍天饶过谁 发表评论于 2025-02-06 10:52:56
木崖湖 发表评论于 2025-02-06 10:50:00
ajaychen_2024 发表评论于 2025-02-06 10:48:49
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