Elon Musk and Donald Trump seem to think they can pull this off in a matter of weeks, and so far — becauseof the cowardice of Republican legislators and the disorganization and lack of leadership amongDemocrats — they may be right.Unless we all stand up and speak out now.
所以你的看法也是对媒体先存疑,先calm down, 先相信美国的法治等待法庭审理审判,对吗?文革,简单的说几个关键词:领袖(只有我能),个人崇拜(领袖说啥就信啥),砸烂公检法,反智(反动学术权威,走狗,臭老九),运动。因为种种原因,对文革的反思非常浅薄,但我想,如果我们保持理性而不是被一些谣言传言或者某些别有用心者夸张的表情所迷惑所鼓动并轻易被义愤填膺深恶痛绝等情感所控制支配,重视法治,重视证据,重视思辨,就不用担心文革。