The financial bondage over this Nation is about to be broken. You will see what wealth really is and what this Nation was always meant to have. I told you I was cleaning out the agencies and entities that do not belong. With the birth of My Nation from what it was to what I have called it to be, you will see a change in the landscape of this Nation. You will see a change in what belongs to it, along with what type of government you should have, and you will realize what did not belong because it will be destroyed before you.
You will see the corporation that enslaved you be torn apart, and every corporation-controlled entity will be annihilated.
The Federal Reserve: I am coming for you. You are criminals of the highest order. You are thieves and liars. I am cleaning out your resources and all you control. You were never designed for My Nation. You have manipulated and enslaved this Nation with debt it could never pay back. You did this for your design to start a new economy and a new currency for more control. You have enslaved this Nation under interest rates that I will rip apart. You thought you were safe and too big to ever fall. Well, I will show you that I can take out any giant anywhere and anytime. You are nothing compared to Me, says the Lord.
Jerome Powell: I will remove you and expose all who are on the board at the Federal Reserve—those who are there now and those who have been there before. I will completely expose all of you and what your purpose is, and it is not to benefit My Nation but to control it. Woe to you who have taken part in such filth. Judgment is coming, and your removal is at hand, says the Lord of Hosts.
只影向谁去 发表评论于 2025-02-10 11:47:53
TO 5mslj, 我说所钦佩的是明知不可为而为之的工作态度,但也言明能否成功还在未知数。其实近些年美国的问题是致命的,这是任何一个明眼人都能看得到的。就以联邦开支为例,收入4万多亿,开支6万多亿,赤字就是1.8万亿。这就好比一个人,赚4000多一个月,却花6000多一个月,这根本就是不可能持续的。但问题是所有的人都看到问题,却只有马斯克一个人敢真正的去挑战和解决这个问题。实话实说,我对于他能不能成功持悲观态度,但即使他失败了,他至少按照他的理想奋斗过了。这和你们反中的人们有本质的区别。你们各个躲在键盘后面大放阙词,却希望别人为你们的“理想”抛头颅洒热血。对于你们反中的人,只会让人不齿.