So why did people voted him in? Why did people give him such a strong mandate? Are Americans truly daft - are you sure?
东方明月- 发表评论于 2025-02-12 12:07:41 Trump就是要毁灭美国。美国体制最大的优势就是对权力的制约,其副作用就是政府效率差。但人类历史上那些效率高的独裁政府,没有一个把国家治理的如此繁荣昌盛,只有效率低下的民主政府做到了。trump破坏了美国的根基,当时年以后必尝恶果。
Then why don't you just get the hell out of this dumpster fire? You have some kind of masochistic fetish?
Oh btw, when do you leave California? Do you need me to donate 50 cents to help you move?
硅谷工匠 发表评论于 2025-02-12 11:52:49US is a giant FED con. And a big Ponzi scheme. The "government" we know of, are jsut servants of the FED and Ponzi. It is a GIANT LIE to America people, since 1971. Trump is the first time that PEOPLE are truly fed up and elected a guy and team to take down the waste and cheat.
The FED, and Ponzi and the entire machine will fight back!
US is a giant FED con. And a big Ponzi scheme. The "government" we know of, are jsut servants of the FED and Ponzi. It is a GIANT LIE to America people, since 1971. Trump is the first time that PEOPLE are truly fed up and elected a guy and team to take down the waste and cheat.
The FED, and Ponzi and the entire machine will fight back!
马斯克砍掉Twitter 80%, 呵呵,可怕不?X现在阔步迈向全球媒体第一
dailycaller. com/ 著名Foxnews 前主持人Tucker Calson办的
theepochtimes. com
halturnerradioshow. com/ (情报人员出身,都是raw info)
citizenfreepress. com/ (快,偶尔会偏向摩萨德和Flynn集团)
*** whatdoesitmean. com/ (大量内幕分析,俄系背景)
voterig. com/ (著名前情报人员,因不满某国要摧毁中东多国,通知中东某大国其系统,该国清理全部渗透网络,JimStone因此被迫流浪天涯,一路被迫害)
thegatewaypundit. com/ (大众新闻)
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