Bill and Hillary Clinton…there was more to the Lewinsky situation that was not allowed to be put out in public. Bill has a major issue on his hands when his sexual lifestyle is revealed to the world and why him and Hillary were forced into a marriage neither one of them wanted.
Kamala and Doug…that marriage will implode and the truth will come out why they were put together. Doug’s affairs and scandals will all come out with no way the media can suppress the real truth about him.
My children, everything fake in your govt will be revealed and truth will crush your enemy’s lies that have protected their system. All this will implode in front of you. The hidden secrets of the Swamp are all coming out. So hold on the tsunami wave is about to hit your enemies with such force, they will not be able to withstand it.
Laptops are coming with explosive force. Everything hidden with their servers and all its contents are coming out in the open. My Light is destroying your enemy’s darkness. This is My land and every enemy will be removed from power in this hour says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-03-11 15:25:21
Part 2/3
My children My hand can make anything disappear that’s against Me. Judgment will hit your enemies in unprecedented and unconventional ways. You’re in a time of a great collapse, a collapse of everything your enemies hold dear. It will all soon be clear there is nothing impossible for Me to handle and I can and will deliver you out of it all says the Lord of Hosts.
Affairs…get used to hearing this word. Many politicians have been covering up scandalous affairs. Some with foreign agents and informants from other countries that have trapped your governmental officials in a no-win situation, betray their country or be exposed, humiliated, removed from their positions and their lives destroyed or die. Many of your governmental officials have given your military intel, security intel, financial intel, you name it – the swamp rats are giving away secrets in unprecedented ways to foreign govts, for money, for more money and guaranteed election wins for a trade – to keep their positions. Bribe after bribe and blackmail after blackmail, affair after affair, I will reveal the taxpayer money that has funded sexual scandals of many politicians that your enemies tried to disguise as normal budget expenses.
My children I will show you how fake the Swamp really is because many marriages were for power and position and convenience rather than love and why bloodlines are also important to the Establishment.
The truth on the Obamas is soon to be clear on what their marriage was really meant for. It’s a lie and proof is coming that cannot be denied.
[Word heard – March 9, 2025]
For I the Lord this day am telling My children that an avalanche of scandals being exposed will bury your enemies underneath of it: sexual scandals, money laundering scandals, treasonous scandals, election scandals. You name it. All scandals are coming to the surface that will destroy any credibility your enemies have left. Media scandals are coming that will destroy what is left of the MSM control over the nations. I told you their scripts will all be released. I will show you who is the Architect that writes them and how it’s sent out on a private server to be dispersed so the MSM have their talking points every day that they must abide by.
The unprecedented amount of cover-ups journalists were told to hide or destroy evidence of what had been found. So much proof was hidden from this nation to keep the Establishment and their puppets in governmental positions.
This massive propaganda arm of the Elites will be destroyed with the Truth. Every place your enemies have been in power, have used their system and devices over you will all collapse.
Many of you may say Lord how can all this be? Our enemies have ruled and reigned for as long as some of us have been alive. Their systems have been embedded into everything. How does something that big, that has lasted this long, just disappear?