With many in the party saying publicly that their leaders should do more to stand up to President Donald Trump, Democrats and Democratic-aligned independents say, 57% to 42%, that Democrats should mainly work to stop the Republican agenda, rather than working with the GOP majority to get some Democratic ideas into legislation.
sleepingtiger 发表评论于 2025-03-17 18:02:50
中文媒体的消息很多都是断章取义。CNN的原文是,民主党的国会支持率降低至29%, dem in congress。原因是,民主党支持者不满,国会民主党对川普反对不够力度。换句话说,民众因为对川普极度不满,怨民主党反川不利。
明白仁儿 发表评论于 2025-03-17 17:59:31
Andrew Yang 不听我的,抓主占绝大基数的工薪阶层,现在寂寞无声了。
Vivek 像是块料,就看敢不敢为中产家庭发声了。