jgminternational. org/prophecies/a-great-shaking-is-coming-to-the-justice-system?rq=justice%20Roberts
February 22, 2025
...Many removals are coming in the Supreme Court. New and true justices will be appointed, and justice will be served once again and upheld by the highest court in the land. Look for a new Chief Justice (to be appointed)—a real Chief Justice that will uphold the law because Roberts will be judged, and his ties to the establishment will be exposed. He has been compromised for a long time. Almost every case he has ruled on will also prove that he has Cxxx ties and that they have controlled your justice system....
February 12, 2022
...Justice Roberts, your days as Chief are over. Step down or I will remove you Myself. You will not hide from your crimes any longer nor hold the other justices of the Supreme Court hostage with your threats any longer. They know the truth, know you have nothing, and know you are nothing. A revolt is taking place in the highest court in the land against you. You will be exposed for Epstein Island and for helping other government officials to hide their crimes against this nation. You helped them with that coup. The right people have all the evidence and are coming forward now.
Chief Justice Roberts, your time as Chief is over. You are being tried for treason, and you know it. You will try and take your own life before this happens as fear is hitting you. You can't take the apprehension of what is about to take place against you. You are finished, Roberts. Your life as you know it is over. You were caught in 2020 helping and devising your scheme to ignore any factual evidence that came in. You threatened the other Justices from ruling. I have it all, and there is nowhere to hide. Your days are running out on this Earth....
Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-03-19 17:14:14
"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."