评论: 美国债务上限谈判破裂 打击或远超2008金融海啸(图)

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咸菜头 发表评论于 2011-07-24 10:11:17
故意做给大家看的吧 咸菜头***我估计最后一定达成协议
draintank 发表评论于 2011-07-24 06:16:54
Are you really that thick? draintank***This is a show for the public and a part of it for the Chinese public. Lowered rating compare to the benefits is nothing. Election is more important for these politicians anyway you look at it. Don't ever believe anything media provided without your own thought process.
真的假的? 发表评论于 2011-07-24 05:22:54
危言耸听。现在双方讨价还价,下周肯定达成协议 真的假的?***
needwait.. 发表评论于 2011-07-24 04:50:17
OBMa就是一大S B needwait..***
wenxuecityzyq 发表评论于 2011-07-24 01:44:35
总统可以根据宪法独断专行 wenxuecityzyq***不是说实在不行,总统可以根据宪法独断专行的吗?我发现谈判的人都不会轻易妥协,要熬到最后一分钟,否则他们的工作量就只有十分之一了,要失业了呢?
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