评论: 邮局加油站全有!79.9万美元能买下美国荒凉小镇(图)

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yellowLabel 发表评论于 2011-08-02 14:58:17
Town name: Scenic. yellowLabel***Thinking of buying some land? How about owning a whole town along with it?
Evidently in South Dakota, a whole town counts as a sellable property. Because in the tiny town of Scenic, S.D., the owners are packing up and moving out, selling the entire town in the process.
Which means this showcase – including a saloon, dance hall, museum and a jail – can be yours if the price is right. The town, 46 acres in total, is on the market for $799,000. Located 40 miles southeast of Rapid City, S.D. in the Badlands, NewsFeed has every reason to believe that the small town of Scenic indeed lives up to its name. And for the price, there's no better way to put your own mark on the map.

Read more: ***newsfeed.time***/2011/07/30/entire-south-dakota-town-goes-up-for-sale/#ixzz1TuZapXfG
土拨鼠拨土 发表评论于 2011-08-02 13:37:28
radiator spring 土拨鼠拨土***
ifelse 发表评论于 2011-08-02 13:04:19
Deal of the Week: A whole Sout ifelse***

224339 发表评论于 2011-08-02 11:53:38
小镇可不是她的。无权卖吧。 224339***
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