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BirdWatcher 3 minutes ago
I am a white American, and I have these questions for the naysayers:
1. How many governors, ambassadors, congressmen/women, or state representatives that you see standing inline and buying their own coffee?
2. How many governors, ambassadors, congressmen/women, or state representatives that you see carrying their own stuffs?
3. How many governors, ambassadors, congressmen/women, or state representatives that you see using coupon or voucher to buy their own stuffs?
The answer is None. The moments that you elect them into the offices, they become someone like God and Goddess, living above the laws, and spending taxpayers' money freely.
This is one of the problems that we are where we are now.
KAYTAYDIN 发表评论于 2011-08-17 07:35:41
to 无色无相 KAYTAYDIN***请问美佬喜拉莉是你什么人?是你大爷吗?别拿那头白母猪在中国人面前耀武扬威的!you know? sob.但是我曾经看中过这头美佬白白。丫的完全无视我国的文化和现状,和达赖穿一条裤子。阻止中国统一台湾