to legato
legato 发表评论于 2011-12-06 18:20:21
600光年远? 怎么测到的?
gte938x 发表评论于 2011-12-06 18:04:00
To moon1210.
When speed is high enough, time will be slow.
So people in space ship can reach there with reasonable time. However that's not earth time.
That kind of speed, such as half light speed, can be reached with future technology.
不知道星球表面的重力加速度是不是跟地球差不多,要是那里 g=9.5,没准还真跟阿凡达里的潘多拉星球差不多啊。赶紧去找找有什么矿藏“20 milllion per kilo” :)
奴性十足 发表评论于 2011-12-06 17:02:56
cornerstone 发表评论于 2011-12-06 16:55:49
工夫茶 发表评论于 2011-12-06 16:51:55
punktux 发表评论于 2011-12-06 16:40:55
距离几百光年 不明白我们怎么搬过去 请学天文的指点一下
moon1210 发表评论于 2011-12-06 15:19:39
Comments from
I find it amazing that we can "determine" the average temperature of a planet billions of miles away, but we still cannot predict the weather all that well.
72° F ? Sounds balmy, where do I buy the ticket? 600 light years away? No problem, I'll pack a lunch.
They visited a million years ago and found a bunch of monkeys throwing sticks and rocks at each other. They visited last week and the only difference was that the WEAPONS had evolved.
We would have to go well beyond the speed of light to get to these planets. The nearest star Proxima Centauri is 4.7 light years away. A light year equates to the distance of 6 trillion miles. With our current technoligy, it would take about 80,000 years to get the nearest star.