Recommendations for Chinese government to relief CNY traffic stress:
1. Stagger holiday vacation starting time.
2. Encourage families of the migrant workers to travel to their job location for CNY instead of the other way round. Create 'reversed traffic flow' as the capacity is currently wasted.
3. Establish annual vacation instead of only statutory holidays.Workers have their discretion when to take their time off.
4. Increase ticket prices during the CNY period. Made it mandatory for employers to give all workers home trip allowance, that is same or more than the cost of home ticket.
gobao 发表评论于 2012-01-19 10:54:53
needtime 发表评论于 2012-01-19 10:45:50
whz1234 发表评论于 2012-01-19 10:32:18
This deserves higher priority over what's so called second or first economy in the world.
其實中國就是個第三世界的國家水平。 政府對國內交通已經提高了很多了。在人類史上是史無前例的。要想過好日子,大家都有責任。