评论: 中国外交部副部长:王立军去美领馆属孤立事件(图)

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bustCCP 发表评论于 2012-02-09 12:04:35
平心之论 发表评论于 2012-02-09 10:56:21
Yuonie 发表评论于 2012-02-09 09:20:15
千里快哉风 发表评论于 2012-02-09 08:11:35



大象无形文字 发表评论于 2012-02-09 07:35:58
高分贝多凡 发表评论于 2012-02-09 07:04:02

hamanlee 发表评论于 2012-02-09 06:52:20
avrecorder 发表评论于 2012-02-09 06:20:33
我猜测: 王立军去美领馆是为了寻求庇护,但是被美方拒绝. 能够得到美国庇护的,1,要有价值,如间谍.2,价值观和美国一致,并受到迫害,如方励之. 王立军2个条件都不满足,而且他以前做的事和第二条相反.
laoxiangxyz1 发表评论于 2012-02-09 06:15:23
是真的吗?是真的吗? Yes, 中国外交部副部长 Told you: 素食主义 , RomanticOnly ,
zeb218 , zetd , tubaozi12 , mickeyii , Flanders , -烦恼一族, 让中号打狗棍再次告诉你: 所谓王立军叛逃一说完全不是造谣.
吉米阿加 发表评论于 2012-02-09 05:24:08
一剑封侯 发表评论于 2012-02-09 05:09:29
现眼 发表评论于 2012-02-09 04:00:20
huahualan 发表评论于 2012-02-09 01:35:11
Euro-America 发表评论于 2012-02-09 00:20:38
JusticeHasLongArms 发表评论于 2012-02-08 21:55:35
口清派海 发表评论于 2012-02-08 21:43:47
laomaodi 发表评论于 2012-02-08 21:35:34
kingsw 发表评论于 2012-02-08 21:32:56
QUESTION: I’ve got one on another subject –

MS. NULAND: Please, yes.

QUESTION: — specifically these reports coming out of China that a deputy mayor of Chongqing had sought refuge at the consulate in Chengdu and that there had been an unexpected increase in security personnel around the consulate for a while. What can you tell us about any of this?

MS. NULAND: Well, I think you’re referring to reports about the vice mayor of Chongqing – right – City. So his name is Wang Lijun. Wang Lijun did request a meeting at the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu earlier this week in his capacity as vice mayor. The meeting was scheduled, our folks met with him, he did visit the consulate and he later left the consulate of his own volition. So – and obviously, we don’t talk about issues having to do with refugee status, asylum, et cetera.

QUESTION: Okay. But – so can you tell us exactly when that meeting took place?

MS. NULAND: I believe – we’re here on Wednesday – I believe it was Monday, but if that is not right, we will get back to you.

QUESTION: Do you have any information about what – have you had any subsequent contact with him? Because there’s some questions about his whereabouts.

MS. NULAND: Yeah. To my knowledge, we have not.

QUESTION: And aside from any possible thing that you couldn’t talk about on asylum can you tell us what he did talk about there? What was the purpose of this meeting?

MS. NULAND: Frankly, I don’t have anything at the moment on the substance of the meeting.

QUESTION: Can you say why you said he used – why you used the term, “he left the consulate of his – on his own volition”?

MS. NULAND: Well again, there has been some reporting to indicate that that might not have been the case, but it was the case.

QUESTION: Okay. The reporting being that he had been forced to leave or that had been dragged out, or –

MS. NULAND: There’s been unusual reporting about all of this. So just to reaffirm for you, that he walked out, it was his choice.
newsbbs 发表评论于 2012-02-08 21:32:18
Wuli98 发表评论于 2012-02-08 21:27:21
The U.S. State Department confirms that Wang had an appointment earlier this week. Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland says, "He did visit the consulate and he later left the consulate of his own volition. So – and obviously, we don’t talk about issues having to do with refugee status, asylum, et cetera."

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