加成: Odyssey has said in earnings statements that it has spent $2.6 million salvaging, transporting, storing and conserving the treasure. But it is not expected to receive any compensation from the Spanish government for recovering it because the European nation has maintained that the company should not have tried to do so in the first place.
武当纯阳24代 发表评论于 2012-02-26 14:35:29
- won the battle (maybe somebody else by then? UK...?)
- 辛苦的捞起来。。。
谁能担保美国的经济和军事永远强大呢?假如那是美元的后盾的话,it's going to be a disaster. 实际上自6-70年代美元和金银的挂勾被那个总统一笔废掉后就曾自由下落趋势.总的一句话说货币不应该由人来决定,更别说由什么政府和纪律来决定,那更是不靠谱了.美国至今多发行了多少线币就是一个证明,远的不说,QE1,QE2...就说明靠人或政府的自律是没法阻挡发行钱币的诱惑的,一个没有tangible assets比如金银作后盾的纸币,它的自然规律就是最后贬值为0.这就是为什么在美国的constitutional law里写着只有金银才能是真正的货币.