Or better yet, unless the dead himself wrote a will or something to deny an autopsy, everybody died unnaturally should have an autopsy by default.
Bluebluesky123 发表评论于 2012-04-10 13:30:41
Well...the article here obviously is suggesting that Gu or Bo is the murderer. And 海伍德's wife has accepted money or been threatened so she's not going to tell the "truth." I think most likely it's Bo's idea to kill him, not his wife. And 海伍德's wife is first of all, not brave enough or powerful enough to fight. Or she just loves the money they offered. To have an autopsy or not should not just depends on one person's view. Hypothetically, what if his wife said that she didn't want her husband to have an autopsy and she is actually the murderer?
Having an autopsy or not should also listen to 海伍德's family.