The difference between Chinese Canadians and British Canadians is that Chinese Canadians moved to Canada voluntarily and British Canadians were assigned by British Government.
Beyond earning money, people still have a sense of political belief.
Taiwan's treatment to Taiwan Americans is quite reasonable.
These kinds of people should be punished and recent development in US and Taiwan shows that the governments don't tolerate that anymore.
In Taiwan, new rule says people with dual citizenship no longer can have public healthcare (which is real cheap) unless you live in Taiwan CONTINUOUSLY for 6 months. After that, if you leave and then come back, you have to start all over again. No government official at any level could have dual citizenship and if hiding the status and found, immediately strip the job and face both monetary and prison penalty (although recent high profile case exonerates the need to repay all salaries).
In US, people with dual citizenship and lives abroad has to report their income and pay US tax. In the case you have already paid foreign country tax, you still need to pay the difference. Since US has much higher tax rate, a lot of people who has business in foreign country seriously consider giving up US citizenship.
The new rules and laws are trying to prevent people from getting tax payer's money if they are not real long-term resident.
For people just trying to hold on their mother land's identity, nothing is changed. For people who tried to get the best of the both sides, the window of opprtunity is closing.
I think dual citizenship is really unnecessary except sentimental issue. If Chinese government decides to open the door of dual citizenship, it should ensure tax money will not be paid to those people who tried to rip off general public and it should ensure all taxes should be paid and reported the income to the other side so they can collect the tax if there is a difference. For official who has dual citizenship, there should be a law to strip the job immediately and penalize the offenders (maybe not prison but monetary).
I deplore those people mentioned in this article who tried to hide their dual citizenship.
“世界上不允许双重国籍的国家 是很多包括美国。”可是,你不知道的是,美国日本的发达国家,虽然法律规定不承认双重国籍,但在实际操作过程中却是持默认态度。不但不会强行的剥夺自己公民的国籍,而且对持双重国籍的人持默认态度。我的日本和台湾的朋友都是用本国护照回国旅行和就业的。回美国的时候忘了拿美国护照,美国海关关员不但不刁难还会善意的提醒用美国护照。没有任何人因为用自己原国家护照出入境而受到海关和移民局的刁难。更不会有什么狗屁的人大代表之类的官员出来要清理双重国籍的人,一天到晚吃饱没事就找可怜的海外华人的麻烦。”