看中国甘肃农民车祸现场微笑轰抢葡萄新闻,想起多年前和朋友开车去 Las Vegas. 在科罗拉多乡间遇车祸. 当时路人都停车帮忙。我们的车坏的没发再开,先被送到附近医院,医生看了说没什么大碍, 因为离家还有六小时就被送到hotel。当地有车祸救助program, 出钱付当天的hotel和第二天灰狗车票。到hotel东西也被送到, 分文不少。第二天我们叫出租车去灰狗站。出租车司机到站后说他走了一点儿弯路。少要了几块钱。记得我们一只付了两块半。
Gongray 发表评论于 2012-09-06 11:19:33
wiseman99 发表评论于 2012-09-06 10:58:07
Make big case here, and you shall see less people looting.
wiseman99 发表评论于 2012-09-06 10:57:14
Laws should be implemented to charge these kind of persons for theft. In America, if you forget something in a public place, if someone else took it, you can confront them and get it back, otherwise, they will be charged.