the more independent a woman becomes, the less she wants to be trapped in a traditional marriage revolving around husband and kids. high divorce rate is by no means a bad thing. one day marriage will become completely unnecessary and that's the day women, the largest untapped resource, start to liberate selves and pursue their own dreams.
现代人自然有现代人生活的方式。离婚这种事情稀松平常,没有必要过多地 read into it。在私生活上论断一个人属于典型的欲加之罪何患无词。对于有的国家来说,该有的麻烦终归会有,躲不掉的。当官的还是自我检讨一下的比较好。把自身的罪恶推到别人的身上是不可能的,因为没有人应该为别人的债务而被惩罚,门儿都没有。