"拿出锤子和镰刀" 是翻译错误。 这个记者是故意把成语 “ they went at it tooth and claw” 写成 “They went at it hammer and sickle.”
把 “tooth and claw” 写成党旗上的 ”锤子和镰刀“, 故意幽默一把。 这个幽默有点深奥, 也难怪翻译的人没有猜到。
北京人在伦敦 发表评论于 2012-11-02 23:02:09
mayl 发表评论于 2012-11-02 22:25:17
According to Kitto’s story, Xi was hit in the back with a chair hurled during a contentious meeting of “the red second generation.” These meetings of the Communist Party old guard’s elite and now-adult children, which includes Xi, come with a lot of baggage. Old rivalries, petty squabbles, and apparently fights that include flying chairs. Here’s Kitto:
The meeting turned violent. They went at it hammer and sickle. Xi Jinping tried to calm them down. He put himself physically in the crossfire and unwittingly into the path of a chair as it was thrown across the room. It hit him in the back, injuring him. Hence the absence, and the silence, and the rumours.
It’s a plausible story, but given its single anonymous source, probably best taken as an interesting but not yet verified account.
一个连自己的家里人都管不了 的人,或者说连家里人都不支持他的人还能 治国吗??? 有人相信他的眼泪吗?? 不要在继续欺骗善良的老百姓了!! 温家宝应该辞职,天大的丑闻,为什么还在骗!申请党中央调查还他清白?如果他真的想清白,他早就应该发表公开声明,断绝和家人的一切关系,他们的任何行为都与他无关,并严查利用官员关系,名声进行商业性活动的行为,这才是为国为民?再说共产党说过真话吗?会割自己的肉吗?你信吗,反正我不信。