Koolthinker, you think Chinese are not aware of the problems of US election you mention? Even American don't think their system is perfect, far from it. BUT, still much much better than that in China.
koolthinker 发表评论于 2012-11-07 10:34:27
A well managed and unified China is the biggest concern of the US. It is the biggest roadblock to US colonizing the planet with US dollars.
Questions on the US election, how come there are always two parties in competition? How other voices are systematically excluded in the election process?
Can you get the votes if you don't have the support of the powerful political families and the super rich class? There are not royals in the US but certainly there are prestigious families controlling the US.
Yeah, you can vote but you have to vote for one of the two not decided by you!!! Please dig deeper...
Chinese government should enlighten Chinese on the deceiving side of the US election drama...
,,,,,, 发表评论于 2012-11-07 10:27:14
美国驻华使馆让中国人模拟投票选总统(Chinese or American President???) The Americans made fun of you, stupid...
koolthinker 发表评论于 2012-11-07 10:25:49
美国驻华使馆让中国人模拟投票选总统 to divide and conquer China and Chinese...