此连接为Roland Zengerle (Editor of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics)的调查报告。
只是为自己的疏忽道歉,感觉不够坦诚,事实是其中一人故意copy and paste,不能用疏忽形容,犯了错能够坦白认错当然不容易,如果修饰错误以减轻责任,表示还没有承担后果的决心,所以道歉也只是形式.另外如果是在自己创建的刊物上发表假论文,还是需要承担很大责任的,希望这位学者可以德学兼备,犯错误不要紧,但是不要修饰自己的错误.
whz1234 发表评论于 2013-01-13 18:08:29
Li was the first author and his student Daghighi the second.
It's an Indian again. No wonder she takes other people's credit with no shame. It's her tradition. Professor Li needs to be more careful when he chooses hie grads.