BBC这里说的数学,就是俺们小时候学的算数(+ - x /)。 10岁能做算数题的比不能算的,在20年以后多挣个7%很正常。
pylori 发表评论于 2013-03-10 16:08:59
tigerjr 发表评论于 2013-03-10 10:14:40
What engineering jobs boil down to is solving problems. Problems may
not directly involve numbers. But the logic sense you built in your
early education is very important. With a strong logic sense,
you would be able to rule out noises and concentrate on what is important.
I see a lot of engineers who are very impressive with their talking. But
very weak when it comes to solving tough problems.
Generally speaking, Chinese college graduates usually possess good analytical
sense in comparison to Indian and American counterparts. In my option, that
is one of the sources driving the emerge of the Chinese economy and it is really
what the rest of the world is fearful of. Usually, people won't admit what they are truly fearful of.
Apologize for my laziness to learn to type PingYing.