20年后,这些因产品质量问题而意外出生的孩子们将会排着队集体到河南生产厂家激动万分地感谢他们:“感谢中国,感谢河南,感谢你们给了我们生命,亲人阿!你们是赐予我们生命的恩人啊!我们要入中国籍,我们要学河南话、我们要生产made in Henan 的避孕套!”
忍不住上来说两声 发表评论于 2013-04-21 10:13:24
The FDA said the faulty Be Safe consignment was imported by Global Unilink Ltd, a Ghanaian company, which had sourced them from an Indian company named Harley Ltd based in Kenya. Amedzro said the FDA has traced the condoms back to the original manufacturer, Henan Xibei Latex Company Limited, in Henan province, central China.