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瞧这儿的华人酸的!如今“老子有钱就是爷”的理念又不是源于中国。西方有钱人向官员捐款不是公开合法的贿赂又是啥?美国已经被有钱人绑架了,否则谁能告诉俺美国干嘛一味坚定支持以色列?不惜动用国本发动跟它不沾边的中东战争?感叹丢人丢到外国的所谓“网友”都被你代表了吗?你文学城有那个代表性吗?SHAME ON YOU!
whz1234 发表评论于 2013-04-25 09:15:56
Who is the originator of this culture, Chinese or Italian Mafias? I saw this in the movie God Father.
In Canada, the student family can make donations to the University in exchange for a diploma. I knew a rich family and they are actually seriously thinking about doing that.