我不评论作者的观点和理论,但他所举的大量的数据和例子属于misinformation and disinformation. 也就是说是distorted or altered facts, or false data. 特别是有关美国的例子基夲上全错。说明他并不了解这个国家。拿"脱北者"与"脱墨者"比较更是荒謬。墨西哥政府从没对被美国遣送回家的国民有过任何迫害。
On Australian TV, President Obama sat down with an Australian interviewer and gave a 20 minute interview. On China, he voiced this opinion:
"You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for a very miserable time.
The planet just can’t sustain it, so they understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental consequences.