翻译有偏差。请看amazon评论原文,病人有权对自己的医疗情況有知情权,但是也没有必要对医患关系对立起来,甚至煽风点火,火上浇油。原书是2003年出版的,和目前的情况又有不同了。原文是Wall of Silence: The Untold Story of the Medical Mistakes That Kill and Injure Millions of Americans Book Description
Publication Date: May 2003
Medical mistakes occur with alarming frequency in this country. Nightly newscasts and daily newspapers tell of botched surgeries, mistaken patient identities, careless overdoses, and neglected diagnoses. You may have dismissed these stories as unfortunate mistakes, misunderstandings, or just isolated incidents with the occasional bad doctor.
Wall of Silence reveals that these medical mistakes are not rare incidents with the occasional bad doctor. In fact, the real-life stories in this book show that medical mistakes are increasing in frequency—and worse, that the system is designed more to cover up these errors than prevent them.
十年过去了,经过漫长的取证,协商,该医院的保险公司终于同意支付陈女士家人包括死亡赔偿,痛苦,精神损失赔偿等400万元。目前陈女士的家人与当时的妇科医生还未达成协议。代理该案的戴禹律师表示,医疗事故赔偿案件通常都会花费数年的时间,而若决定起诉,要注意收集医疗纪录作为证据,并在诊断后90天内提起诉讼。(美国中文网 陈逸子 实习记者田碧茜)