Jesus is still on the throne..He will ba back like Holi bible said...
john777 发表评论于 2014-02-19 18:37:14
heaven experience highlights
about 8 millions of American have death experience, they went to heaven and go back to earth, they do not know each other, but they described the same heaven, you can find lots of videos in youtube. :“死亡啊,你的胜利在哪里?”
There are curses if people under Old Testament, there is blessing if people under new testament. That is the reason why all Christian are blessed, christian’s curse, death, fear ….nailed on the cross. but Israel which only believe in old testament has so many troubles. Bible says: Truth and Grace come through Jesus.
Old(Covenant) and ready to vanish away"Hebrews 8:13, God says, it is vanish, but you try to find the vanish one to prove what?, Old one is not good, that is the reason Jesus come to save.
john777 发表评论于 2014-02-19 10:30:46
The best way to challenge God is: find a problem that you have no way to solve it, for example, you want to find a job, or maybe you want a boy or girl, or sick people need to be healed…you say, “if God is real, please solve my problem.” Lot of people in church find God in this way.
bless you!
john777 发表评论于 2014-02-19 10:25:12
八戒, Jesus forgive the solider who kill him, He is love, he never revenge.Hate and revenge is not from God.
God is the only one who said that HE is the creator of the universe. He created us, he supply us with air, sun, water, land,…..human can not use their way to think about GOD. Your question used to be my question too, but I have perfect answer now. To understand God, we need Holy Spirit to lead us the way. Without Holy Spirit, no matter how smart we are, we can not understand the words in the bible. God make the history of world, there is something bad and good, HE use the result to tell us which way we should go. You have so many question which is very good, you can find a good Christian to ask. Key points, no matter what you say, God always love you.
about 8 millions of American have death experience, they went to heaven and go back to earth, they do not know each other, but they described the same heaven, you can find lots of videos in youtube.I used to be a Buddhist, I do not want to see anything regarding death, but now, I can say: :“死亡啊,你的胜利在哪里?”
Death has no authority over me, because Jesus died for me, so my soul will go to heaven.I will have eternal life in heaven. Do you afraid of death?