I am having a difficulty try to understand what u r talking about down stair.
godtohuman 发表评论于 2014-04-13 15:53:06
the who can not get benifit from the tips , who would pay tips to others , that the way we force other pay tips , no matter they job , with a good tips or have not found a job , because if we get a job without tips , or loss job we could consider no pay tips , that is kind of fair for us . if we pay tips , hope we can find a job woth tips income too.
美国人保守数字60-70%一生中做过餐馆工。比如有一个很有名教你怎样理财的主持人Susen or Suzen,28岁时还在一边打工一边读书。餐馆是一个赚钱辛苦但是又快的地方很适合勤工俭学。这也是有些人愿意多给消费,因为他们也经历过这种不容易。所以去餐馆吃饭也要学会理解,高兴多给点,不高兴就少一点。如果认为给消费不公平所以不给,这就不对,至少目前状况。