---- 在民主的台湾,民主的美国, People are speaking, Government is listening, Democracy is working!
在民主的台湾: 人民自由的成功的表达了他们对"服贸"的忧虑。
在民主的美国: 加州华人自由的成功的表达了他们对SCA5的抗议。
---- 在我们的一党独裁制度下,一个中央红头文件下达,即使它是多么的不公平, 又有谁敢抗议?
lantian-yun 发表评论于 2014-04-19 08:47:14
Please do not delete the following comments, thanks.
What I said are all the truth.
lantian-yun 发表评论于 2014-04-19 08:24:22
Hu did mention that "所谓公民不服从或曰公民抗命,... ... ...并宁可付出被惩罚的代价,以期... ...。
voiceofme 发表评论于 2014-04-19 08:19:12
Hu's article misses an important part. It says that citizen can use some illegal method to protest with "good" intention, but it does not what government should deal with this illegal protesting. This point is important. The example from the article mentioned that the grand mom is immediately arrested and detained until being charged. In this Taiwan event, Taiwan government should do the same thing.