此专家观点偏激,以偏概全。“癌症99%不会有事”这句话就与事实不符。如此,癌症的死亡率从哪儿来的?早期诊断早期预防是目前癌症死亡率降低的主要原因。像结肠内窥镜检查、宫颈 pap smear 检查、乳腺成像检查不知救了多少人的命。希望中老年的朋友们要定期做检查,癌症早期的存活率是很高的。医疗对健康,特别是老年人的健康是至关重要的,千万不要疏忽。
While it is correct that many diseases are due to lifestyle issues, it doesn't mean those are not diseases. There is a difference between acute care (It's what this leader is referring to) and preventive medicine. Therapeutic lifestyle changes belong to preventive medicine. To say hypertension is not a disease simply shows one's ignorance.
cooldoc 发表评论于 2014-05-25 10:57:12
With leaders stupid as this, China is beyond rescue.