Duo xing bu yi bi zi bi. I guess it 's a good depiction of this vice president of Zhejiang University!
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于 2014-06-14 12:04:18
Oh! I have found other mistake: I hope the attackers just have their rotten mouths ( not months) shut up, to be self-esteemed! Gengzaihou, whom I have mentioned include you!
Oh! I was in hurry to responding those who have unreasonably attacked me. "Bike " must be " bite "! Oh, man! They were really mean, acted like they are the emperors and I am their servant; Or they are my powerful mother- in- laws and I am a poor daughter-in-law!
novtim2 发表评论于 2014-06-13 20:57:34
GG2006 发表评论于 2014-06-13 20:52:35
wtf, the stupidest driving style I've ever seen assuming he is a normal person. Well, you get what you want I guess.
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于 2014-06-13 19:48:38
To brotherbear, atthistime and tryagain: Who you are? This is US, every body has freedom and rights to do what they want to do, unless it 's unlawful. I typed and I am still typing in English to write a comment or response, since I am unable to type in Chinese on my computer, and also I can practice English ( I learned English by myself!). What was wrong with that? Was it broking the law? Or because I have stepped on your long and BIG tails, so you have had bark me and bike me back hardly as an action of basic, instinctive self - defense? Just have your rotten months to shut up, to be self-esteemed! But do not be panic.