One thing for sure, it ia a lose-lose case now.
Zhang will be terminated probably within a year after the case
settled, and Shi will never find a new job, at least for
the next 5 years.
ObamaYa69 发表评论于 2014-07-17 21:16:24
Sam大树 发表评论于 2014-07-17 20:43:49
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于 2014-07-17 19:58:27
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于 2014-07-17 19:55:30
All the bosses must know the sexual harassment with the employees are prohibited. Otherwise the cost of the lawsuit, and the settlement are vast! My neighbor Jill who is a white, 44, but looks like in her 60s. She was suing her boss and got a huge settlement. Then no more working.
Zhang makes a lot money, does not need to share a dorm with some one with no privacy, but tons of inconveniences instead. Especially the one is an employee! She definitely is suspicious and not nice. At least she should not fire Shi when their relationship broke up. She 'll pay for the price.