Queens Chrinicle 2013年十一月七日的文章:In response to a request for traffic calming measures on Cherry Avenue and Main Street in Flushing, which was the site on Oct. 3 of the tragic death of Allison Liao, 3, the city Department of Transportation has agreed to enhance safety there.
As part of the review, the DOT will remove two parking spaces at the Cherry Avenue eastbound approach north curb to provide easier visibility for left turning vehicles and add a “No Standing Anytime” sign and markings.
The DOT will also conduct a study on the feasibility of installing a signal that would give pedestrians more time to cross.
Mimimimi3 发表评论于 2014-11-11 04:05:55
CCC333 发表评论于 2014-11-10 23:12:43
东突西突巴勒斯突 发表评论于 2014-11-10 21:26:23
李白 发表评论于 2014-11-10 20:24:37
Mimimimi3 发表评论于 2014-11-10 20:15:40
读了Huffington Post和 Queens Chronicle的文章。文中说司机有绿灯。但行人有路权(right of way)。纽约市政府在惨案发生后决定去掉街角的两个停车位以便给左转车辆更好的视角。还会考虑加建一个行人过街的指示灯给行人过街。可见此路口原本没有行人过街指示灯。
免除罚款单是因为设备有故障, 不能作为判断酒驾的证据, 也许他酒驾了, 但是因为设备有毛病。 所以只能算没有。