I strongly support African American's pursuit for social justice. Do not forget one innocent Chinese American citizen killed by two white men in Detroit in 1980s,and the court set those two evil men free. The victim was an engineer and did not do anything wrong. These are shames to American.
Those who are willing salves have your freedom to behave like dogs. Please SHUT UP to attack the people who fight for JUSTICE!
Violence is an angry expression against injustice (although I don't promote it.) Just like I said to my Indian colleagues. "Do you see anyone in the Congress represents Indian or Chinese? Do you see anyone in the Congress is from Indian or Chinese background?" We are the model minorities that's why nobody cares about you!!!
In English, we can say: "It is the best even if it is not perfect.
云之岚 发表评论于 2014-11-26 16:31:51
就等着这些黑潮毁了一个又一个的town吧!万一今后某天开始种族隔离了也不奇怪。谁能够一直容忍一个族群,你好好的在建设一个国家,维护公共秩序,各个部门正常运转,人民安居乐业,他们却全体出来捣乱搞破坏---“我们过不好你们也休想,我们很愤怒!Burn it down!Burn it down!Burn it down!....”
Beaconliu 发表评论于 2014-11-26 20:57:52